Platform logo
  • Laravel 4.2 / Laravel 5.1+ / Lumen 5.1+
  • PHP 5.6+
  • make sure your Cache driver is configured and is working
  • Windows environment is not supported

Integration details
  1. install Laravel Centinel API package:
    - for Laravel 4.2 add "gtcrais/laravel-centinel-api": "1.2.*" to your application's composer.json
    - for Laravel / Lumen 5.1+  add "gtcrais/laravel-centinel-api": "2.2.*" to your application's composer.json 
  2. run composer update
  3. Laravel specific:
    - for version <=5.4 add GTCrais\LaravelAdminApi\LaravelAdminApiServiceProvider::class, to providers array in /config/app.php 
  4. Lumen specific:
    - uncomment $app->withFacades(); in /bootstrap/app.php
    - add $app->configure('centinelApi'); to /bootstrap/app.php. This will load Centinel API configuration
    - add $app->register( GTCrais\LaravelCentinelApi\LumenCentinelApiServiceProvider::class); to /bootstrap/app.php below config file registration
  5. run composer dump-autoload
  6. run php artisan centinel-api:setup
  7. after loging into Centinel, create new Application
  8. from your application's /config/centinelApi.php config file copy privateKey, encryptionKey and routePrefix into the newly created application in Centinel
  9. schedule log checks and database backups